COVID-19 Surges in North Central Kansas

COVID-19 continues its rampage through the North Central-Flint Hills region. KDHE reported 5,904 new cases of COVID in Kansas on November 9th - of which 627 were reported from the 18 counties in the NC-FH AAA region, otherwise designated as PSA-8.

In the first 9 days of November, 1,783 seniors in our PSA-8 region were diagnosed with COVID-19. Like the rest of Kansas, our region has seen substantial increases in cases this month.

It is time to be extra careful.

Cases in our nc-fh aaa region are climbing rapidly

all 18 counties in the nc-fh aaa region are experiencing current cases

As of Nov 13, Kansas’ COVID-19 cases now stand at 115,507, Hospitalizations at 4,325 and Deaths at 1,256 in total. Hospitalizations and Deaths are occurring in much greater numbers than in prior months. November already has 30,326 new cases, 495 new Hospitalizations and 227 more Deaths.

As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, we need to remain diligent in being personally prudent in how we approach COVID-19 precautions. Dr. Fauci has recently commented that smaller events may become COVID-19 super-spreader events, especially as our extended family travels and attend Thanksgiving gatherings.

This is especially troubling as Kansas Hospitals are waving yellow flags about Kansas Hospital capacities and availability of beds.

COVID 19 is especially dangerous for each of us in the 65+ age group. As the charts below show, senior Kansans 65 years and older represent only 13% of the total COVID-19 cases, but we represent 50% of the hospitalizations and 84% of the deaths.

This growth comes at an unfortunate time as we all need and cherish our family time together. Everyone suffers from pandemic fatigue, I know I sure do, BUT each of us MUST remain diligent. November’s rapid COVID-19 growth will overtake us all if we do not make an ongoing stand. Wear a mask, social distance, and practice regular handwashing.

This column was prepared by Ross Boelling of Dickinson County. Ross is Chair of the Silver Haired Legislative delegation from the NC-FH AAA region and also serves as 1st Vice President of the Kansas Silver Haired Legislature. Ross has provided regular updates on the COVID-19 situation to members of the NC-FH AAA board and the Kansas Silver Haired legislature. A longer article on the status of COVID-19 in our region, and its impacts particularly for Kansans 65+ in age, was featured in our most recent Fall 2020 edition of Keynotes.